Learn how to check ID exists using JQuery?
If you want to check some element ID exist, then you can use following single jQuery line. if ($(‘#input-id’).length) { // do something }
Continue Reading →By admin|Computer, Internet, JavaScript, jQuery
If you want to check some element ID exist, then you can use following single jQuery line. if ($(‘#input-id’).length) { // do something }
Continue Reading →By admin|Computer, Internet, MySQL
Think you need to duplicate existing mysql table as a new empty table. That means only structure of an existing table to new one. Use following sql to do that. create table users2 like users;
Continue Reading →By admin|Computer, CSS, CSS, Internet, JavaScript, jQuery
When open a jQuyery UI dialog and can scroll the browser and the dialog would change it’s position relative to the browser window, And if you want to make it stay in the same position relative to the browser, use the following css & javascript. .dialogFixed { position: fixed !important; } $(function() { $( “#dialog” […]
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